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LDA Major Infrastructure Projects in Lahore to Open to Traffic This Month

Lahore, in a recent report published in a leading newspaper on November 6, Lahore Development Authority (LDA) Chief Engineer Israr Saeed made a noteworthy announcement regarding the imminent opening of four substantial infrastructure projects in the city. These developments are set to ease the ongoing smog issue that plagues Lahore.

According to the available information, these four significant construction projects are in the final stages of readiness to welcome the general public. The Chief Engineer emphasized that the completion of these projects will play a pivotal role in reducing smog levels within the city. As part of these endeavors, the LDA has issued stringent directives to contractors to ensure that water is sprayed at construction sites every two hours.

The projects in question encompass an underpass on Bedian Road, flyovers at Akbar Chowk and Shahdara, and another underpass at Khalid Butt Chowk. In further detail, the Akbar Chowk flyover project is on course to finish in a mere six months, a notable improvement from the originally anticipated 10-month timeline.

Furthermore, the Akbar Chowk flyover project includes the construction of 10 U-turns and the renovation of Maulana Shaukat Ali Road, all achieved without the removal of any trees. The project commenced on May 26, 2023, with a scheduled completion date of March 25, 2024, as per the contractual agreement.

Similarly, the Shahdara flyover project is well on its way to completion in just 7.5 months, surpassing the initially projected 10-month timeframe. Construction began on April 4, 2023, with a contractually obligated completion date of January 4, 2024.

The Bedian Road underpass project is advancing at an impressive pace, aiming for completion in just two and a half months, which is a significant improvement over the originally estimated six-month duration. Construction commenced on August 26, 2023, with the contractual deadline set for February 26, 2024.

Notably, the Khalid Butt Chowk Underpass project is making remarkable progress, with an expected completion time of approximately 2 months instead of the originally planned 6 months. Official construction work began on September 14, 2023, and the project contract specifies a final completion date of March 10, 2024. These fast-tracked infrastructure projects are set to have a positive impact on the city's traffic and air quality.
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