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Contradiction in statements of two survivors of Mumbai attacks
12-18-2008, 10:54 AM
Post: #1
Contradiction in statements of two survivors of Mumbai attacks
By Naveed Yaseen

While there are many logical contradictions in the stage of Mumbai attacks, here I would try to point out contradictions only in the statements of the two survivors in action

1) A confession statement of the ‘surviving terrorist’ released by Mumbai police and published by several local and international media

2) Statement of a surviving police constable sitting near three senior officers (including ATS chief Hemant Karkare) when they were shot dead.

(For clearer understanding of following arguments, please familiarize yourself with actual texts of the statements of survivors at above links.)

Contradictions in Kasab's statement:
• You remember exact address of your brother Afzal living in Lahore but you don’t remember exact address of your own native place in Faridkot?

• You “have studied up to 4th standard” and left school “in 2000”. Now if your age is “21 yrs”, then you would have been 13 years old in 2000 when you were in 4th standard. A 13 years old in 4th standard?

• “In the year 2005, I had quarrel with my father. Therefore, I left my house and went to Ali Hajveri Darbar at Lahore”,,,, Why didn’t you go to your brother Afzal’s place just a mile away?

• “At the said place, the boys who had run away from their houses are kept. From there, the boys are sent to different places for employment.”,,,, You were 18 in 2005. Do they keep 18 year old boys?

• “After some days my salary was increased up to Rs 200 per day” but still you felt “we were not getting enough money”,,,, A Rs 5000 plus job for an unmarried 18 years old 4th grade runaway, but still not “enough money”

• “Dist -Atak, State -Sarhad”,,,, What? Attak in Sarhad? Are you Pakistani?

• “While we were in search of fire-arms we saw some LeT stalls at Raja bazaar, Rawalpindi”,,,, LeT was banned in Jan 2002, how could it maintain public stalls in Raja Bazar Rawalpindi five years after the ban. No media, local or international, pointed that out?

• “We thought that, even if we procured fire-arms, we could not operate them. Therefore, we decided to join LeT for weapon training.”,,,, How many robbers have to take training to operate fire-arms?

• “Marqas Taiyyaaba, Muridke”,,,, That is where in Muridke? Did you mean “Markaz-ud-Da’wah” in Muridke? Aren't you trying to drag in word “Taiyyaaba” to manufacture case of “Markaz-ud-Da’wah” ban approval?

• “and told us to go to the said place where LeT is having their training camp”,,,, But then even in your self-described schedule at Muridke, there is no militant like training, how could it be “where LeT is having their training camp”. Aren't you trying to project non-militant Muridke campus as LeT training camp to manufacture case of ban approval?

• “After two months, I was allowed to go to meet my parents. I stayed with my parents for one month. Thereafter, I went to LeT camp situated”,,,, But by now you are back from Mansehra training sessions in “Weapons AK-47, Green-O, SKS, Uzi gun, pistol, revolver”, and you have enough freedom to even go home, then why didn’t you go to the original robbery project so that you could get “enough money”, the actual objective for which you went to LeT camp.

• “Out of these 32 trainees, 16 were selected for some confidential operation by one Zaqi-ur-Rehman Chacha. Out of these 16 trainees 3 trainees ran away from the camp.”,,,, Pretty fearsome “Rehman Chacha” his “confidential operation”. Or may be they had have enough weapons training to get “enough money”.

• “The above said chacha then sent the remaining 13 of us”,,,, But chacha’s confidential operation needed 16 trainees, right? Why didn’t chacha select 3 more out of remaining batch to complete the original 16 squad needed for the “confidential operation”

• “along with a person called Kafa to the above said earlier camp at Muridke”,,,, Ok so you are now back to where Muridke, the place where it started

• “At Muridke, we were taught swimming and getting acquainted with the environment experienced by a fisherman on a sea. We did some experimental tours by launches on the sea.”,,,, At Muridke’s sea?

• “After seven days I went to the LeT camp at Muzzafarabad”,,,, Ok you are back to Muzaffarabad again.

• “The above said 13 of us were present for training. Thereafter, as per the instructions of Zaki-ur-Rehman, the above said Kafa took us to camp at Muridke.”,,,, Ok back to Muridke again. Quite a shuttle-cock training, 2 times Muzaffarabad, 3 times Muridke. Since there were same two places involved again and again, wouldn't it been better to have somewhat longer sessions 1 time Muzaffarabad and 1 time Muridke?

• “took us to camp at Muridke. At the said camp again we underwent the training of swimming and getting acquainted with the environment and experience on sea.”,,,, Again at Muridke’s sea? Aren't you trying to manufacture case of ban approval?

• “We were strictly instructed not to make phone calls to Pakistan after reaching India.”,,,, Did they allow to submit statements under oath against Pakistan?

• “Our code name was VTS team”,,,, VTS team, nice name! But you say other teams’ names were “2nd team, 3rd team, 4th team, 5th team”,,,, Quite a uniform naming convention!

• “We were then shown the site 'Google Earth' on Internet”,,,, Pretty techy memory for a 4th grade runaway!

• “We were instructed to carry out the firing at rush hours in the morning between 7 to 11 hours and between 7 to 11 hours in the evening”,,,, Yes, so that after you have morning firing session, people could make rush again for your evening session.

• “Then kidnap some persons, take them to the roof of some nearby building.”,,,, ‘SOME’? Why didn’t you guys decide on this ‘some’ before-hand? You had “Google Earth”, right?

• “After reaching at the roof top, we were to contact chacha”,,,, But you were also “strictly instructed not to make phone calls to Pakistan after reaching India”?

• “After that, chacha would give the telephone or mobile no of electronic media”,,,, Why couldn’t chacha give you the media’s phones before-hand? Was he sure your mobile phones would keep working in a terror struck city in a terror struck area? Or was he sure his calls to you guys wouldn’t be tracked?

• By the way, did chacha travel with you to India, or did he stay in Pakistan? If he had traveled with you to India, how he got arrested in Muzaffarabad. And if he had stayed in Pakistan, hadn’t he also instructed you to not call to Pakistan to avoid evidence-trail?

• “At the sea shore we boarded a launch”,,,, First watercraft.

• “After traveling for 22 to 25 nautical miles”,,,, “22 to 25” pretty good distance measurement sense!, that also in darkness of “04.15 hours”! “nautical miles”? A 4th grade runaway?

• “we met a bigger launch in the sea. We boarded the said launch”,,,, Second watercraft!

• “and after journey of 1 hour we boarded a bigger ship by name Al-Huseini in the deep sea”,,,, Third watercraft!

• “the crew members of Al-Huseini ship hijacked one Indian launch”,,,, Quite nasty crew members of a commercial ship. Looks like they were more trained than you guys to not need your services during hijacking. If they were this much trained why didn’t they complete the mission themselves?

• “The seamen from the said launch were shifted to Al-Huseini ship.”,,,, Yes these seamen were badly needed to share feasts going on at Al-Huseini ship, a commercial ship heading towards an Indian port.

• “each of us was given a sack containing 8 grenades, one AK-47 rifle, 200 cartridges, 2 magazines and one cell phone for communication.”,,,, You probably counted each persons’s 200 cartridges?

• “each of us was given a sack containing 8 grenades, one AK-47 rifle, 200 cartridges, 2 magazines and one cell phone for communication.”,,,, Did they also give you the saffron wrist bands visible in your snaps? Do you like to become 'Shaheed' while wearing the color you hate most? May be you didn't hate saffron color, but rather liked it? (see bottom of ref)

• “We were then boarded the hijacked Indian ship”,,,, Fourth watercraft

• “One Indian seaman was kept along with us.”,,,, To give you guys good company, right? Didn’t you have 4 GPS systems to navigate around? The Mumbai police spokesperson says “When the assailants traveled by boat from Karachi, Pakistan, to Mumbai - stealing an Indian trawler along the way - they used four GPS systems to navigate, Maria said. The sets could also be used as walkie-talkies.” (ref)

• “At the gun point, he took us towards the Indian coast. After journey of about 3 days, we reached near sea shore of Mumbai”,,,, At gun point for 3 days? Several sailors and the ship hijacked leaving no contact to their homes for 3 days, but no blue-bottom navy or coast guards searched or intercepted you for 3 days, 450 miles?

• “Then we boarded floatable dinghi”,,,, Fifth watercraft! Is it a good strategy to involve so many watercrafts? That also in serial, later ones dependent on earlier ones! Aren't you trying to manufacture case against Pakistan?

• “Then we came out of the railway station and started searching for a building with roof top.”,,,, But your original plan was to “Then kidnap some persons, take them to the roof of some nearby building”, why didn’t you “kidnap some persons” to “take them to the roof of some nearby building”?

• “Then we entered a building and went upstarts. On 3rd or 4th floor we searched for hostages but we found that the said building was a hospital and not a residential building. Therefore we started coming down.”,,,, You couldn’t find hostages at Cama Hospital? Was it a veterinary hospital that day?

• “but we found that the said building was a hospital and not a residential building.”,,,, You were expecting residential buildings near Mumbai's central train station?

• “When we were coming out of the hospital premises, we suddenly saw one police vehicle passing in front of us. Therefore, we took shelter behind a bush.”,,,, Ok that vehicle has passed and didn’t notice you, so obviously you are successfully hidden now

• “Another vehicle passed in front of us and stopped at some distance. One police officer got down from the said vehicle and started firing at us.”,,,, Hmmm, that officer knew from heavens you are hidden in the bush

• “One bullet hit my hand and my AK-47 dropped down. I bent to pick it up when second bullet hit me on the same hand.”,,,, Pretty good aim of hand, and hand only, twice!.

• You are stating on oath and police is recording on oath that you got two bullets on same hand. But your hospital’s admin “Ravi Ranade, dean of B Y L Nair hospital” told media about you that “He had some abrasions and bruises on his upper and lower limbs. HE DID NOT HAVE ANY BULLET INJURY and did not require surgery. He was given treatment on the spot and there has been no active treatment on him after that,” (ref) At least one of you two isn't stating it right.

• “I got injured”,,,, Yes your shot at hand got your other hand and the feet injured too

• “Ismail opened fire at the officers who were in said vehicle.”,,,, just a minute ago from the building you were throwing “some grenades”, why now play shooting-shooting with a squad of policemen obstructing your actual mission, why not ‘khallaas’ them all with a grenade at their vehicle? Similar grenades did a pretty neat job at other places (ref)

• “They got injured and firing from their side stopped.”,,,, wow, one Ismail hiding in a bush slays 7 policemen including 3 senior officers, well-skilled, armed and armored. Ismail is brilliant!

• That vehicle upon which Ismail just fired from bush and slain 7 policemen inside it, that vehicle doesn’t show a single bullet hint when it got captured on camera (ref). All body, windshields, tyres, lights, fluids remained intact!

• “We waited for some time and then went towards the said vehicle.”,,,, you knew from heavens they were dead and not just taken deceptive silent positions to make you come out, so you “went towards the said vehicle”. Hadn't LeT “given the training on how to evade the chase by security personnel”?

• “Three bodies lying there. Ismail removed the three bodies and drove the said vehicle”,,,, What about that one officer who had initially come out of the vehicle to shot at you? Had he also went back in the vehicle? If he had went back in vehicle then why did he come out at first place?

• While you and Ismail saw and removed just three bodies, there were four more on the backseat (according to statement of a constable playing dead at back seat). If you and Ismail didn’t know there might have been bodies at back seats, then who killed those guys?

• “Ismail removed the three bodies and drove the said vehicle.”,,, How did young Ismail learn four-wheel driving? Was Ismail from a rich family having four wheelers. Or was he bus driver? Or were there driving courses in LeT syllabus?

• “I sat next to him. While we were moving in the said vehicle, some police men tried to stop us”,,,, Why would they stop their own department's van? This shooting is recorded on the video and in that video no policemen appear like trying to stop you (same video).

• “Ismail opened fire towards them while we were on the move”,,,, Ismail is pretty good at driving and shooting simultaneously, looks in like James Bond kind of smooth control of both simultaneous tasks in the video.

• “our vehicle got punctured near a big ground by the side of road”,,,, Ah, that damn filmy tyre puncture out of blue at wrong time wrong place

• “Police also opened fire towards us. Due to the police firing Ismail got injured.”,,,, Ismail the brilliant got fatal shots this time, but you the retired-hurt survived, again!

Contradictions in Jadhav's (the constable) statement:
• “When we were informed that Sadanand Date has been injured at the firing in Cama Hospital Karkare, Kamte, Salaskar and four constables left from CST to the spot.”,,,, So one injury at Cama hospital was more important for three senior most officials to attend than numerous mass killings and explosions going on at VT Station, Taj and Oberoi?

• “Five minutes later, two persons carrying AK-47 rifles emerged from behind a tree and started firing at our vehicle,”,,,, So terrorists on hostage missions wait behind trees to shoot at police?

• “Five minutes later, two persons carrying AK-47 rifles emerged from behind a tree”,,, One of those two persons is saying that it was a police official who came out of the vehicle and shot first. At least one of you two survivors isn't stating it right.

• “pulled out Karkare, Kamte and Salaskar's bodies”,,,, How do you know they are ‘bodies’ by now? Couldn’t they have been unconscious, or playing dead like yourself?

• “Thinking that we (constables) were also dead, the terrorists then got into the car”,,,, So they were trusting you guys are dead?

• “The two terrorists then came up to our vehicle and pulled out Karkare, Kamte and Salaskar's bodies out and threw them on the road. Thinking that we (constables) were also dead, the terrorists then got into the car and started driving”,,,, What was the purpose of terrorist throwing out 3 bodies, and 3 only? If their purpose was to just make room for themselves to drive away the car, then only front 2 bodies should have been thrown out. And if their purpose was to ensure their own safety that anyone could be unconscious or playing dead, then they should had thrown all 7 out of vehicle. Depending upon mindset they should have thrown out either 2 or 7, not 3.

• “Jadhav, who was hit by two bullets in his right arm”,,,, Why do the shady surviving characters in story only get hit on hands or arms? Why not in head, neck, chest or abdomen or somewhere it actually risks the life?

• "I have been working with Salaskar my entire police career but I could not do anything to save his life,",,,, So sad you couldn’t save Salaskar. But only your right arm was shot. That wasn’t restricting your left arm, eyes and brain. When these terrorists had stupidly trusted your ‘bodies’, seated and driven the vehicle, you could have shot them then. No? That was your duty because they were going to kill more people. And after all, they were killers of your 12 years long beloved colleague, Salaskar. Killing them could have brought you promotions, honors and rewards (admittedly though not more rewards than participating in an inside job).

• “the exact number of shots fired at the police car was not known”,,,, So you are also stating that some hard-to-count shots were fired at vehicle, but where are those shots' damage on the vehicle? (same video)

• “They fired three rounds at journalists and police vans standing at Metro junction and then sped away towards Vidhan Bhawan in south Mumbai, where again they fired some rounds.”,,, So while you were pretending to be dead in a vehicle driven by terrorists, how could you see what places the vehicle passed through and which people were shot at?
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